
Courses that I have taught in the past or I am teaching at present.

At Industry/Academia (sometime in the future):

I would like to teach the following courses:

  • Graph Representation Learning
  • Geometric Deep Learning
  • Neuro-Symbolic Learning
  • Deep Learning
  • Machine Learning
  • Theory of Large Language Models
  • Learning from Relational Databases
  • Mathematical and Computational Biology
  • Algorithms for Computational Biology
  • AI for Healthcare and Medicine

At University of Cambridge (2024 - till date):

At BITS Pilani, Goa Campus (2015 - 2022):

Courses marked with ‘*’ are the ones that I have taught at least for 4 semesters. My duty for each course is either as Instructor-in-Charge (IC) or as Instructor (IN). IC has additional administrative responsibilities concerning the course.

  • Deep Learning (CS F425): as IC; I started this course in our department. [Course Page]
  • Meta-Learning (BITS G513): as IN with Dr. Gautam Shroff [Course Page][Labs]
  • Introduction to Data Science (BAZG523/CSIZG523): as IC; WILP course. [Labs]
  • *Neural Networks (BITS F312): as IC; I started this course in our department.
  • *Machine Learning (BITS F464): mostly as IN, as IC one time. [Tutorials and Labs]
  • Artificial Intelligence (BITS F407): as IN
  • *Database Systems (CS F212): as IN
  • Computer Programming (CS F111): as IN

Additionally, I have been involved in formulating new courses for the institute:

At NIST, Berhampur (2014 - 2015):

  • Analysis and Design of Algorithms (Theory and Labs)
  • Computers and Object Oriented Programming (Theory and Labs)