Hey, you!!!

What’s up with you, mate, busy growing?
I am waiting…
To see how you will make life so wholesome and complete again,
worth living… the rest of it…

This is something so blissful I can’t even imagine.
I can almost imagine you holding me, hugging me, running to me, and
I can’t wait to tell you how much I love you…

I am manifesting not a father but a friend in me,
that you can always count on, no matter what, all throughout life
until the last breath that I take.

I know, almost, what kind of father I don’t want to be.
Rest everything we can both work out along the way, eh!!
It is going to be a fun ride with you by my side.

Oh, one more thing I forgot to tell you,
your mom is a bit on the stricter side,
so you know who to run to for things…
But, she is lovely and too much caring…
do not ever hurt her… that’s my wife.

You are just 5 months away, and I can only dream of you now.
Who will you look more like, me or her?
Will you be some weighted average or more complex than that?

It doesn’t matter so much; I hope you take the best of both of us
and leave everything else…
But one thing for sure, I want you to be as curious as me…

Now is the right time to tell you that I cry with happiness and sadness;
I am human, and so will you be, but never worry; I will be there for you. Always…

The world sometimes can be nasty…
But I promise your mother and I will keep you safe while also
teaching you how to love, respect, and care…

More to tell you, but let me let you grow a bit more…

If you are this far, you know I am not good at writing down my feelings.
But I tried… only for you. Nothing else matters!!!

I love you, and I am waiting…
